Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tooth Fairy Related Battles

I literally cannot believe what is happening in my house today.
Who knew growing up could be this hard?
To explain; Ed lost his first tooth yesterday. It was such a relief when the thing finally came out after weeks of being wobbly. Yesterday was so full of angst as he was struggling to eat the simplest of things, and was therefore highly miserable. I had been tempted to feed him toffees, but it came out as he ate a bowl of ice cream - of all things!
So, after I spent my evening rushing round the store & squeezing in a late night gym session, I completely forgot to swap the tooth for a coin until about 6am, during the crappest nights sleep. I tried to find the tooth monster but it was nowhere to be found and I was risking waking him up. I had to give up.
When he awoke to find a tooth & no coin he was obviously disappointed, but when I asked where he'd kept the monster, he admitted he'd cuddled it all night so he could have an extra day with his tooth. 
Ok. Fine. 
He chatted about what he'll spend his money on. I was surprised to find he knew he'd get £1 for each tooth (we'd only decided that the night before so we must be on par with whatever he's watched/whoever he's spoken to), I was even more surprised to find he remembered that the little skateboards in the toy shop are a £1 so he could get one of those or he could save for something more expensive like a pack of moshi monsters (which would be all four front teeth) or a new transformer (which is 8 teeth). I was flabbergasted when he said he'd maybe get a skateboard and give it to Bean because he has two already but Bean only has one.
We came downstairs, ate breakfast, got ready for today's adventure.
While they were distracted, I exchanged the tooth for a £1. He carried it around the house for two hours before he noticed, and even then it was Bean who fished it out.
Cue meltdown.
Actual tears fell from his face as he yelled at me, exclaiming he really wanted the whole day with his tooth.
It wasn't long before I showed him I have the tooth, that I'd asked the tooth fairy if I could keep my babies first tooth, so we've done a swap, and he's agreed to swap back when he's ready.
He's still not cheered up. He's sad because I should've just told him I had the tooth. He told me that I've broken his sad bottle, it's smashed to pieces and it can't be fixed because it's on his insides not his outsides. Only Optimus (prime of course, Ed's imaginary friend) can get it fixed.
Oh god.
Oh no wait, he just cheered up. Yay. Fickle much?
So I guess the lesson I've learnt today is, listen to him, actually listen to him. Never presume he'd want the toy money, he might want the tooth, and though I can't work out why that's more important, it just is. To him at least.

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