Friday, October 10, 2014

I Ain't Scared...I Think.

Lately I've been cleaning our local preschool every evening. Being alone in that place doesn't bother me, it's chocca full of evidence that children have been there playing to their hearts content. It's a happy place. Cleaning up there is very similar to home so it's no hardship. 
But when it goes dark outside I scare myself silly.
Talking about it with the manager a few days ago I admitted to closing the blinds in case zombies find me.
This is a very real fear.
Think about it, if the world came to an end in any other way, I'd notice.
Asteroid crash, I'd notice the explosion.
Acid rain, I'd hear it on the tin roof. 
A big freeze, I'd notice. There's no heating on by the time I'd get there brrrrr.
I may even notice a sudden influx of fire breathing dragons.
But a zombie apocalypse...that could creep up on me. The world as we know it could come to an end and I wouldn't notice a thing, I wouldn't hear the scratches of zombie fingers at the door over the vacuum cleaner. But if I keep the blinds closed, maybe they wouldn't notice I'm there all alone, tasty brains and all. I could keep myself locked in, raiding the coffee and biscuit supplies, indefinitely.
There was an incident the other day. As I hoovered, I suddenly heard a screech, a proper blood curdling scream. My head filled with a wide variety of swearwords before I remembered I'd just hoovered up a tiny piece of paper. Once it passed through, the screaming died away.

It seems as though fear has been a big part of my life the past few weeks. 
I don't know what it's like where you are, but here, every September the house is full of spiders. Now, of course, the sensible me knows they are always here and you only see them in September because they come out for mating season, but still, let's not dwell on that too long, I may freak out. I hate spiders. They make my skin crawl. Just writing this is giving me actual shivers. They have been massive this year. It got to the point where every day I was coming across a great big beastie. I had thought it might de-sensitise me some what, but it hasn't helped at all. And I never did get over the whole Driving with Miss Muffet incident.
A few weeks ago, while putting a new duck house (what I made all by myself!) into the duck pen, I managed to get a spider on me. There had been a lot of bugs in there, but I'd remained brave. I thought I was fine, until while carrying something into the house, both hands full, I could feel something crawling on the back of my neck. I couldn't do anything about it until I'd put the things down, but I managed to get into the house, put them down, and yank off the creepy crawly which turned out to be a spider I'd seen previously.
I knew exactly how it had happened; it had been on a plank of wood which I fallen back onto during a clumsy moment. I tried not to completely freak out, and my darling husband congratulated me on keeping my cool, but inside I was jelly.
Then, last week, while loading the washing machine, I felt that same tickle on the back of neck. I brushed it off only to knock a little spider straight into my bra. I couldn't fish it out, so I squished it against my boob. Then I had to do a funky little bending over dance to get the corpse out of there without touching the damn thing.
Whenever these things happen, my skin crawls for hours after. Sometimes I have to change my clothes when a 'spider check' (you know, when you get someone to check your back in case something is there you can't see yourself) isn't enough to stave off the creepies.

Kinemortophobia; fear of a zombies. I can't say it or spell it but I obviously have it. 
According to Wiki, phobia is an irrational fear.
It doesn't make any real sense for me to be scared of either spiders or a zombie apocalypse. 
I know this.
I'll have to get past it somehow. On the plus side, nothing has ever happened, I've never been bitten by a spider, or even a zombie. My worst fears are very unlikely to happen, so there's really no point. 
As I write this, I got a call from someone who will be popping into preschool while I clean tonight, warning me not to cack myself when the door suddenly opens. Thanks for the warning! I needed it haha. Can you imagine?

So, what are you scared of? 
I once knew someone who was sacred of buttons. Oddly, we were on a fashion design course together. Now that is silly!
Tell me, what's the silliest, most unreasonable thing you are scared of? Feel free to entirely embarrass yourself :)

PS. If like me, you are of a slightly delicate nature, do not under any circumstances google image search the words 'fear', especially 'fear of zombies'!

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