Thursday, April 28, 2016

Throwback Thursday: Back in 1999

So the other day this popped up in my Facebook news feed, and while this isn't your usual 'Throwback Thursday' post, I really fancied a good old reminisce.

Before I was 'Mom' I was kinda cool. Now I mostly live in badly fitting jeans and old t-shirts I don't bother to replace when they get all saggy, because lets face it, once I'm in the clothing aisle of the supermarket, I'm hunting out cool clothes for the kids or replacing the underwear they've grown out of. I wish I had more time and money to spend on myself, but for now, while the kids are young, I don't and that's life.
Anyhoo, enough of the martyrhood. I thought I'd put together the uniform of my youth for your viewing pleasure. I tried so hard to find an image of the Bloodhound Gang hoodie that I wore for years, but it does not exist, and of course, there are no photos of me because...well...we didn't do that much then did we?

The uniform of my 1999 (all the way up to about 2003).

I still love these clothes. 
The keychain would have to have either your keys or your wallet on the end, tucked into your back pocket. Wannabes who simply clipped it to their beltloops were mocked.
The shoes had to be an acceptable level of battered. New shoes made you look like either a scally (now called a chav) or a wannabe (someone who recently got their Mummy to buy them a whole new wardrobe so they could fit in)
The fact that I still own my keychain and my battered old Buffaloes probably says a lot (pictured above). I attempt to wear the Buffoloes during winter, along with a pair of Vans I still have but having children gave me the hottest feet in the world and aside from twisted socks, there is nothing more annoying than hot feet, so I tend to stick to pumps. I don't need my keychain any more, which used to keep my purse safe in my back pocket but since I now cart round a massive handbag full of cereal bars and receipts, it goes in there. Mr Strawberry however still uses his.

I shall leave you with one of the few photos of me I could find without an ex-boyfriend. Just for fun.
Now please excuse me while I re-evaluate my boring wardrobe....

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