Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Husband Suffers from ARF (Asshole Resting Face)

I quite recently came across this;
If you think a woman looks sad or angry they may just be suffering from ‘bitchy resting face’, a disorder ‘that affects millions of women every day’ making them look bitchy when they’re really not. Turns out men also have a similar problem.
and I found it hilarious, until I realised....this is me.
And worse, much worse, it definitely describes my husband.

how can you be grumpy while having a snuggle with Gandalf?
It'll be our 6th wedding anniversary in a few weeks, and over this time, I've realised how badly he comes across to people, especially people who don't know him well. When we go to parties, he tends to sit in a corner with the kids and mope. Well, it looks like moping/sulking/general moodiness to other people, until you speak to him and realise he's having a lovely time playing with our boys.

how can you be moody while holding your first born?

It's a real issue because people judge him, and really if you catch him in the right moment, he's a super fun, giggling, playful guy, admittedly he does have a terrible sense of humour.
And of course he can be really grumpy, but generally he's not, he just hasn't put any ought into letting his emotions show on his face.

There was one delightful day when my sister & her family had been staying at ours. As they were leaving, while everyone was saying goodbye, he sat at the dining table, looking lost in his own grumpiness. When they had left I had a huge go at him for being so rude & not saying goodbye to everyone. He replied saying he hadn't even realised they'd left, he was just thinking about his sheds (he does have a lot of sheds). He was gutted he hadn't got to say goodbye, despite being convinced that my sister hates him, he actually really likes her and her fiance (who is impossible to dislike). Silly man. His sheds of all things.
we're on holiday! seriously?!

But then I'm the same. My mind is usually full of my next project, to do lists & what the kids need next. I don't usually notice the world around me, let alone smile at it.

oh look! actually, he's really handsome and friendly looking!
For an end note, I'd like to include a link to this fabulous blog post by a chick about her bitch face, simply because she makes some great points;
Yup, I don't smile all the time. 
Yup, that's OK, there will be a smile on my face when it's deserved. 
And this is the case with Justin. He smiles only when it is necessary, though in my personal opinion, he could do it a little often, because he is sooooo much prettier when he does! Finding these photos has actually reminded me how handsome my husband is, what a lucky girl I am.

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