Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Importance of Me Time

Well, it was bound to happen at some time.
When it came to writing this, I had no idea which blog to put it in.
Such is life.
I've gone for this one because though it is a 'how I survive being a home school mum', it doesn't have that much to do with our learning adventure, it just keeps us on it.
It's more a 'how I survive being me' post.
So here it is;

My gym membership makes me a better mummy.

Last night, while I was frazzled over a sudden influx of commission orders, the opportunity cropped up to join an old friend at the gym, rather than go a few hours later after putting the kids to bed. I grabbed it, knowing that if there was one thing my fried mind needed, it was a blast at the gym while catching up with a friend.
I came home a few hours later revived and ready to cook Daddy & I a very late dinner while he put the boys to bed.
It meant that at 10pm, when Ed crept downstairs while we were watching TV, having still not gone to sleep, rather than yell at him I simply asked what was stressing him out. He calmly explained that the clock was ticking too loudly.
How relieved was I that I'd asked! It was so simple and so easy to solve.
Yesterday, I started redecorating the bathroom, which means that the contents of the bathroom is in the hall, including a very noisy clock.
The boy was right. That'd keep me awake too.
I think he was also a tad stressed about another mummy fail. I'd forgotten to buy more pull ups, so he was trying to go to sleep, despite the 'will I wee when I'm asleep?' fear. We heard him get up again about 10:30pm to visit the bathroom and in the morning he was dry - yay!! Oddly, I tried to praise him and he told me I was being stupid, so I stopped. Whatever. It's only him that gives him a hard time about this, not me. 

This morning, for some random reason I woke up at 6:30am, and grabbed the opportunity to get some work done while the boys were asleep. I managed to cut out, sew together & post everything I needed to. Then I took the boys out to town and to the library, as promised. Go me!

So I could've stayed in last night, got more and more stressed about my commissions, in between trying to get two boys in bed and cooking dinner, and ended up staying up late slaving away at the sewing machine. 
But instead I went out, got all those lovely natural exercise related chemicals surging through my body, had a good sleep and approached my work with a clean head.

My overpriced gym membership gives me 3 evenings a week to myself, where I get some exercise done, maybe a nice swim, a jaunt in a steam room, a relax in the jacuzzi and an hour long shower (anyone who has kids knows how complicated a shower can be). 
Priceless, almost.
As a work from home, homeschooling mummy, me time is more than important. 
It's essential to our survival as a family.

I hope none of you lovely ladies out there ever feel bad for taking a moment for yourself.
You earned it xxx

What kind of things do you use as an escape from the daily grind of motherhood? How do you relax?

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post. :D

    I'm not a mother, but I have three younger siblings, two of which are under the age of ten. We all get along pretty well, but the peewees bicker and all the fun stuff younger ones do. My mom and I usually take her "me time" together by going fishing from kayaks when we can. We have a lot of fun, and it's good for the mind to get out and see something new. =D

    How I relax in general, however, is either me napping on my sister's bed (because being alone in my room after we've shared a room for years is not my idea of fun) or...Pinterest, which inevitably results in me crafting. xD
