Monday, September 21, 2015

Telling the Truth About the Tooth Fairy

Over the Summer, Bean lost a front tooth. Cue the obvious visit by the tooth fairy.
The next day, he called me for a private conversation, away from his brother’s prying ears.
I had no idea what it was going to be about.
With a coy smile, he asked me who the tooth fairy was.
A little taken aback, I asked him who he thought it was.
He immediately replied; “You!”
I thought about continuing the lie, but as promised (mostly to Mr. Strawberry) I resigned to tell him the truth. We always said, in those ‘how will we parent our children’ discussions, we would go along with the fun and games of Christmas and tooth fairies and all that palaver until they asked with straight faces.
“But it’s a fun story don’t you think?” I asked in reply.
We then chatted about how sometimes it’s nice to believe in stories and how boring life would be without stories and imagination.
I’ve written about this before, so it’s obviously something that is close to my heart. I love all things fantastical and my life would be genuinely awful without my nightly escape into someone else’s world when I tuck myself into bed with a book. Everything I said in this blog post, only a year ago, I still stand by. I didn’t tell Ed the truth that day because I knew he wasn’t ready, but Bean obviously was this time. He has lost teeth since and has put them under his pillow with gusto, so my truth telling clearly hasn’t destroyed his childhood.

My worry is, as we head into December, Timmy Twinkles will of course be returning and I can only hope he gets a good reception….

1 comment:

  1. Love this :) your love for imagination yet unwillingness to lie to such a straight question resonates very much with me! Such a sweet picture, what a cheeky face! x

    PS I've tried to subscribe to your blog but the link seems to be broken (that or the function doesn't work when using a netbook), have subscribed via email instead but thought I should mention in case you're missing out on subscribers!
