Thursday, May 16, 2013

My Rambunctious Bean & His Violent Tendancies

There are a lot of things to moan about lately, so here’s a nice positive post for today.

After having to sign the Big Black Book of ‘incidents’ due to Bean’s violent tendencies two days in a row, I was tempted to keep him off Preschool today.
Instead, I decided to go with him, just to observe.

I’m constantly being pulled in about his behaviour, so it’s difficult to not presume he’s just being awful the whole time he’s there. I keep being told he’s hitting the other kids unprovoked, throwing toys and snatching. My mental image of how he is while I’m not there was getting more and more negative. I just wanted to see for myself how he behaves, how he reacts to the other kids, and most importantly, if there’s anything that can be done to help. The most worrying thing is that in a few short months, he’ll be going to big school where he will not be able to get off so lightly.

The thing about Bean is, at home, he’s a delight. He’s full of energy, easily excitable, easily entertained and tons of fun. He can be very rambunctious, which can often lead to someone getting punched in the nose, but it’s not usually meant in a vindictive manner. He just gets over excited.
The fabulous thing about Bean’s Preschool is how friendly & approachable the staff are. It really feels like raising my son is a joint effort. My eldest went to another Preschool before he got his place at this one, so I know how different it can be. I knew I could turn up for his session today and ask if I can stay too, whereas at Ed’s old Preschool I barely knew what he’d been up to, and I definitely wasn’t  welcome to pass the threshold.

I've come away feeling much better. We had a great afternoon; Bean shared and took turns with the other kids beautifully. He even sat down for a story (something he constantly struggles with – he’s a bit antsy-pantsy). There was a moment when he tried to snatch a ball back from someone and I noticed a kick that missed its intended target, but since he’s not quite four yet, no-one can expect him to be perfect all the time and he just needs help to work out how to deal with these situations.
I’m just so pleased Bean and I are dealing with teachers we can really talk to.
And Bean will be alright.

I don’t know why he lashes out at the other kids, but I’m sure in time he’ll work it out.

My rambunctious Bean

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