Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sick Days with Un-sick Boys

When the boys had a delightful bout of poorly bums last night, the thought of a day off school brought a rather unexpected feeling in my tummy. I found myself a tiny bit excited about being able to spend time with them that wasn’t entirely taken up by getting ready for school, eating, cleaning, dressing, wiping bums, sleeping. I love our weekends together, full of cuddles on the sofa, lazy movie mornings and just watching them play together. I also love it when they are both at school, which at the moment is only one day and three half days a week as Bean is only at pre-school. I can get loads of housework done and sit at the sewing machine without someone under the table pressing the pedal unexpectedly when they aren’t here. And I love the silence.
But then the realisation that they would have to have 48 hours off school, plus the weekend, hit me and my main concern became the worry of how much they would miss out on. Bean is only missing an afternoon session, and I’m trying not to panic too much about Ed. He’s only in reception, so let’s face it, he mostly plays and sings songs all day, but he loves it. He loves his friends and his teachers and next week will hit hard after 4 days off.
I spoke to the school office and they have recommended he doesn’t come back until Monday. So that’s it. Two days off school with two boys who are completely well but might be hoarding a lovely tummy bug ready for sharing.
Also, I have two commissions to make, so I can’t bum around playing with Lego all day.
Ah well, the sooner I get these things made, the sooner we can go to the zoo.

1 comment:

  1. Dear me, I hope they get well soon, that you don't catch that tummy bug, and that everything goes smoothly for you. Being sick is no joyride, and I can say I rather hate it because I can't do anything -- especially crafting.
