Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sneaky Sandwiches

This conversation really happened.
I'm so shocked I have to get it in writing asap.
This morning, as I helped Ed get dressed for school, he asked
"Have you made my lunch?"
"Of course" I replied.
"Have you made the sandwiches with the brown bread and the chocolate and peanut butter?"
(To explain; inspired by 'Embarrassing Fat Bodies' (Channel 4) I recently changed our bread from white, to 50/50, to brown, hoping they wouldn't notice too much. And he always eats peanut butter and chocolate spread sandwiches. Yesterday was the first day I put brown bread sandwiches in his lunch box.)
"I don't like the brown bread, I want the white bread"
"I didn't think you'd notice" I laughed.
"Actually" he said "I did eat it all (he did, it was all gone). It tasted the same as the white bread. I don't mind"
"Jolly good" I said.

Brown bread it is then.

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