Friday, February 15, 2013

The Incessant Questions of a 5 year old.

I have posted in a while so I thought I ought to. 
I have been a bit distracted making future plans and finishing a set of flags for our local colour guard dance troupe, so I haven’t had much to say, but I thought I’d mention the small things that have been bubbling away with us. 
The first is that Ed brought home a very precious piece of paper with what might be his first written sentence. I spoke to his teacher this morning and it turns out he may have done it completely alone in his play time which makes it even more amazing. I photocopied it and took a photo quickly (he likes to fold up pieces of paper and they always end up washed in his trouser pockets).

Translation; “I am flying”.
I’m so proud of him.  

My other thought this week is about the constant stream of questions.
Ed is always asking questions, and even at the most inappropriate times, like when I’m trying to get him to go to sleep or eat his breakfast, I always try to answer him to the best of my ability, because I think it’s important to encourage him to explore his world and learn as much as he can from it. At this young age, I’m not going to stifle him.
Today’s question, as we walked to school, was;
“Do spider’s poo?” 
I’ll be honest, I had no idea. My thinking theory was that because they liquefy their food, maybe they are super efficient and have no waste. I have since learnt that apparently there is one basic in life; if it eats, it poos. 
I have Googled it and I look forward to telling him when I pick him up from school that yes, they do poo. They expel both urine and faeces at once in a kind of paste. Although I have never knowingly come across it, according to the answers I got on Google it seems to cause cleaning problems for boat owners and shed tidiers. I don’t have enough time to look into it more thoroughly, so I might be slightly misguided but hey ho, I’ve answered his question. 
It’s safe to say I’m not going to be looking for spider poo around the house or in the sheds (where there’s spider poo, there’s spiders). 
Anyhoo, I think it’s bloody marvellous that as a parent, thanks to the brilliant advances in technology, we are armed against all the strange and sometimes silly questions our children ask us. 
Only the other night as I tucked him into bed, he asked me what ‘these bones are’ poking his ribs. I was able to Google it on my phone and show him pictures of his Skelton and what lay behind his ribs to explain why they are there. Amazing.
I know this has all been said before, but I’m so grateful for my iPhone. It’s educating my kid’s one question at a time and they when they need it, it entertains them with its many young child friendly games.

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