Sunday, March 15, 2015

Happy Mother's Day to You All

In the spirit of supporting women of all kinds, at all different stages of their lives, amid their own decisions and life choices, I wanted to say Happy Mother's day to you all, whether you are a mother or not (in the literal sense).

To all the Mummy's who are expecting, I'm so excited for you! Your life is about to change dramatically and although things probably won't work out how you envisaged it (sorry to say), it will be a lot of fun.

To all the women who have fought against infertility and miscarriages, and all the poking and prodding that goes along with that, my heart goes out to you.

To all the Mummy's who have a newborn, I know its arduous. The constant feeding and wiping can get really dull, but trust me it's worth it and it'll be over before you know it (and certainly before you're ready for it to be).

To all the women who have been through abortion or putting children up for adoption, I respect your personal decisions. You've made some tough choices and I'm sorry things have been hard for you.

To all the Mummy's with young children, it's chaotic and messy, but enjoy their silliness, honest cuddles and sloppy kisses.

To all the Mums who have lost a child, I'm truly sorry. There aren't words...

To all the Mums of teens and pre-teens, though I haven't been through that stage with my own, I remember being one myself and I know it's a minefield, but I'm certain you're doing a fabulous job amid the tantrums and strange smells.

To all the Mums whose children are leaving the family nest, I hope you are enjoying your new found space and freedom, despite how horribly empty your house might feel. you've got through the big part of your job, now it's time to get on with your own stuff and wait for the phone calls...

To all the women who are still waiting for their lives to take the baby turn, give it time.

To all the women who've lost their own Mum, my heart goes out to you.

To all the women who are surrounded by 'non-biological' children, you're awesome! 
Whether you're an Auntie, a foster Mum or a second Mom to your best friend's kids, you enrich their lives.

And finally, to all the women who've chosen not to have children of their own but keep a watchful and loving eye over their family and friends, I respect your decisions and I hope you don't let anyone tell you your life is in any way incomplete or wasted just because you chose not to reproduce.