Every Sunday, we go to my Mum's for dinner and a play.
Mum has two big dogs, one of which she has had for years, but the Husky is a new addition to the family.
I came away last Sunday feeling really, really lucky that we have these marvellous creatures in our lives.
I am thrilled to bits to see how well she has settled in and how well she treats my boys.
She's only a young dog at no more than a year old (she's a rescue and no-one is sure how old she is), so she's full of beans and feist, but once again Mum has managed to find a dog who can put up with small children.
Bean in particular loves all creatures great and small. He's a cuddler, which often means typical four year old type strangulation and 'over-loving'. He'll learn in time to be more gentle, but for now I'm just grateful we have dogs that won't give him the nip he probably deserves.
This is Bean snuggling with Cassie. The most marvellous thing I've noticed about Huskies is the love of snuggles.
This is the boys trying to make the dogs sit for a treat. It's difficult with two kids who are learning how to speak to a dog and two dogs who are the same size as said children...
Bean and Cassie a few weeks after she moved in.
This is our lovely little Milly.
Our lives are so enriched by these dogs.
It's hard to put it into words without getting a bit too soppy.
It's clear, not matter what kind of dog you have whether it's a handbag dog, or a great big horse of a thing, it makes your life better. However crap my day has been, spending a few milliseconds giving Milly a little chin scratch cheers up right up. A sofa cuddle with a blanket and a Milly puts me in a better mood than a whole tub of Ben & Jerry's (the lack of eater's guilt obviously helps too haha). In fact, nowadays, even though it doesn't happen very often, if I ever throw a blanket over myself while I'm sat on the sofa, Milly knows her place and joins me immediately.
It's these moments that I forget what's been chewed....
Milly playing in the snow last winter.
Awww, I love good dogs in good families. Especially big dogs. I loooove big dogs. I have a Saint Bernard and a Bloodhound, and both are extra lovey. The Saint Bernard weighs as much as my 18 year old sister, and when my dog and I are sitting on the floor side by side, she's taller than me. She swears she's the size of a chihuahua, though, and before you know it, there is a 100-something pound dog trying to get onto your lap to snuggle. So I end up laying on the floor with her, and she becomes the happiest dog ever. So affectionate. The bloodhound will fall over as soon as you start petting her, wanting you to rub her tummy. She's all for tummy rubs. =)