Timmy Twinkles, our festive elf, visits us every year.
This is what he got up to this year.
This is what he got up to this year.
Day 1. We found that Timmy had been posted to us from the North Pole. Well, I say 'us' but it's addressed to the boys (all three). Anyone else concerned that there's no return address? (Please excuse the large present sticker, it's covering our address).
Day 2, he drew faces on the oranges.
Day 3, he made elf sized biscuits and human sized ones too. Soooo yummy!
Day 4. The boys couldn't find him for ages but they eventually found him behind their bedroom curtains with a bunch of snowflakes.
Day 5, our family photos had been covered in Santa hats.
Day 6 is of course Saint Nicolas Day, who visits us despite our dirty shoes (he's very understanding of this busy mum of three boys, thankfully).
Day 7, again Timmy was hard to find until we left for school and spotted him in the front window with a giant paperchain tree.

Day 8, Timmy had built a Lego Christmas tree featuring two new figurines; an elf and a Santa.

Day 8, Timmy had built a Lego Christmas tree featuring two new figurines; an elf and a Santa.
Day 10, there were festive themed activity sheets for the boys, full of mazes, puzzles and colouring in. Timmy even had his own mini version.

Day 13, Timmy had written his christmas list.
Day 14, Timmy, Rudolf, Tommy and Kitty were found having an interesting game of sticker face.
I think the rules are; roll an odd number, put a sticker on your face, roll an even number, put a sticker on someone else's.
Day 15, saucy Timmy was found checking out lady elves on my laptop...
Day 16, annoyingly Timmy had finally done the loo roll down the stairs gag.
Day 17, Timmy had worked through a whole box of chocolates. Apparently, some were left in the box but the boys ate them all before I got there.
Day 18, Timmy was found inside a balloon...I mean, how the hell did he get in there? Have you seen the size of his head?
Day 20, Timmy and Betty Biscuit were found together with some new festive cups and some romantic candle light.
Day 21, TImmy was found enjoying sangria with Sally Snowgirl...leaving both Betty Biscuit and the boys utterly heartbroken.
Day 22, Timmy was missing (someone had hidden him) but he still managed to leave us this delightfully messy note.
Day 23, Timmy must've been having a bit of an 'Up' moment. I can honestly say, more balloons are needed to lift an elf...either that or he needs to lay off the cookies a bit.
Day 24, Christmas eve and there was no sign of Timmy except this note in the tree which told the boys about the festive chocolates he'd hidden all over the living room...
Fun was had, and none of this would have been possible without my darling Mr Strawberry, who often reminded me before I wondered naively off to bed of an evening and held a tired and moaning baby while I quickly set it all up.
I think Ed has probably had enough now, especially as he turns nine in two weeks, but Bean loves to play along and of course next year Zander will be almost two so I'm excited about next year regardless.
Timmy can be found on Instagram, search #elftimmytwinkles.
For more adventures with Timmy Twinkles, check out;